" I find my creative ideas forming when
perhaps I am handling the shape of a bird's nest in my hand or watching the flight of insect life in the garden" |
Nicola Coe is an artist who works with and within nature. Her subject matter are the landscapes she comes into daily contact with and the souvenirs of nature she finds within them. She uses a combination of observation, memory, medium and process in her work. Combining the act of walking and ethical foraging , along with materials such as re-purposed wires and metal, paper, ink and the elements to create her artworks. " I am dedicated to the natural world... This has become more apparent for me over the past few years , and along with my strong horticultural links , my work tries to highlight the details of nature that seem so often over looked in this modern age . The collecting of natural finds and the care of the nature in my landscape is key to my visual work . The resulting artworks come about from the influences of the place where these objects are found , the colours around me at the time , the forms the memories evoke. Working in tune with the seasons is particularly important , and my subjects often change with those natural finds available at the time of year present. I work with the most natural and enviromentally conscious mediums I can find or make myself. I have a deep love of nature and fear how much of our natural world we are losing. I have found a way to make art that feels authentic to those beliefs ." Nicola Coe lives in Suffolk. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art. - |